Welcome to Ms. Grills's Teacher Page




2020 Student Technology Training

Welcome back Dayton Tigers! Use this attachment on the first 2 days of school, Thursday and Friday, August 20 & 21st. After we have our morning introductory and attendance meeting, you will use the instructions in the attachment to work on some district assignments that will get you ready for on-line learning.
Contact Me

Phone: 317-3621
Email: [email protected]

About Me

I moved to California in 2000, and although I wasn't raised here, I enjoy teaching and learning about the state of California, and consider it my home. I received my teaching credential from Cal State Hayward. I have taught second through fifth grade at Dayton Elementary, currently I am teaching fourth grade.  I enjoy teaching my students to garden, and then seeing their excitement as they interact with nature and try new vegetables they have grown from seeds.  Aside from cooking, photography, and nature walks, in my spare time I like to explore different avenues of art.  Currently I am enjoying paper crafting, and needle work.