WEEK 19 (January 11 - January 15)

Another new week of Distance Learning with Mr. Olsen's 2020-2021 Fourth Grade Class!


Be sure that your student is keeping up with assignments in our Google Classroom.  Staying on top of assigned classwork and Zoom instructional sessions is critical toward academic success during Distance Learning.


As always, I am available to assist students individually before each day's Zoom instructional session, Monday-Friday, 10am-10:30am, during "Office Time" in our Zoom Meeting Room.  Students with questions or those who need additional academic support should avail themselves of this opportunity each day.


Here's some information for the week...


WEDNESDAY MORNING GATHERING CONTINUES: On Wednesday, January 13th at 10:00am Dayton will be having another virtual Wednesday Morning Gathering!  3rd, 4th, and 5th grade classes will be joining a school Zoom meeting at 10:00am on Wednesday where our principal, Mr. Moore, will be leading the intermediate grades in a gathering much like we had prior to the closing of in-person instruction (there will be no "Office Time" from 10:00-10:30am on that day).  Information will be shared and prizes will be given!  Parents, students, and family members are all invited to join!


Here's the information on how to login to the Wednesday Morning Gathering Zoom Meeting... 


3rd-5th Grade Wednesday Morning Gathering

Topic: Wednesday Morning Gathering - 3rd-5th

Time: Jan. 13, 2021 10:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 960 0644 7872

Passcode: Tigers!123



Thank you. 

Be well.  Stay safe.

Mr. Olsen