WEEK 17 (December 14 - December 18)

Here it is!  The LAST school week of the 2020 calendar year!  Here's some important information...


WEDNESDAY MORNING GATHERING CONTINUES: On Wednesday, December 16th at 10:00am Dayton will be having another virtual Wednesday Morning Gathering!  3rd, 4th, and 5th grade classes will be joining a school Zoom meeting at 10:00am on Wednesday where our principal, Mr. Moore, will be leading the intermediate grades in a gathering much like we had prior to the closing of in-person instruction (there will be no "Office Time" from 10:00-10:30am on that day).  Information will be shared and prizes will be given!  Parents, students, and family members are all invited to join!


Here's the information on how to login to the Wednesday Morning Gathering Zoom Meeting... 


3rd-5th Grade Wednesday Morning Gathering

Topic: Wednesday Morning Gathering - 3rd-5th

Time: Dec. 16, 2020 10:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 960 0644 7872

Passcode: Tigers!123


NO SCHOOL, MONDAY, DEC. 21st - FRIDAY, JAN. 1st – WINTER BREAK:  In honor of the Holiday Season, there will be no school for the next two weeks from December 21st - January 1st.  This includes no Music or P.E. classes, no Wednesday Morning Gathering, no Zoom instructional sessions, and no assigned student classwork for these weeks.  The regular Distance Learning instructional schedule will resume on Monday, January 4th.




It's been an odd and unprecedented year!  Fortunately, it seems like things will eventually start returning to a more familiar look in 2021.  We will see.


Until then, please remain safe and joyful during this special time of year.  I look forward to spending quality time with my family over the holidays and hope that you & your families will take this opportunity to celebrate togetherness, as well.  Whether, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza, New Year's or any other important occasion (I will be celebrating my 50th birthday in a weird, pandemic kind of way later this month!), I sincerely wish you all the best.  


I look forward to seeing and teaching our students once again in January of 2021- a new year with fresh potential and possibilities!


Happy Holidays!



Thank you. 

Be well.  Stay safe.

Mr. Olsen