WEEK 8 (October 5 - October 7)

Important information for this week...


PARENT-TEACHER CONFERENCES: On Thursday, October 8th and Friday, October 9th, I will be conducting parent-teacher conferences with the parents and guardians of students from our 2020-2021 Fourth Grade Class. These conferences will take place online through my Zoom meeting space that students normally log into for daily instructional sessions.  There will be no Zoom instructional time for students on these two days.


If you have not yet signed up for a parent-teacher conference time, please do so as soon as you can.  The link for signing-up can be found in our Google Classroom or you may connect directly from THIS link...




Conferences will last for approximately 20 minutes. Student academic progress and participation will be discussed, along with a review of assessment results and assignments completed.  We will also talk about student academic strengths and areas of potential improvement.  This is also an opportunity to ask questions and get clarity on class expectations.


Looking forward to meeting with all of you!


WEDNESDAY MORNING GATHERING!: On Wednesday, October 7th at 10:00am Dayton will be having it's first online, virtual Wednesday Morning Gathering!  3rd, 4th, and 5th grade classes will be joining a school Zoom meeting at 10:00am on Wednesday where our principal, Mr. Moore, will be leading the intermediate grades in a gathering much like we had prior to the closing of in-person instruction (there will be no "Office Time" from 10:00-10:30am on that day).  Information will be shared and prizes will be given!  Parents, students, and family members are all invited to join!


Here's the information on how to login to the Wednesday Morning Gathering Zoom Meeting... 


3rd-5th Grade Wednesday Morning Gathering

Topic: Wednesday Morning Gathering - 3rd-5th

Time: Oct 7, 2020 10:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 960 0644 7872

Passcode: Tigers!123



Thank you. 

Be well.  Stay safe.

Mr. Olsen