WEEK 14 (November 16 - November 20)

Important information for this week…


SPIRIT WEEK! - This week is "Spirit Week" for Dayton School!  Students are invited to show their school spirit in their classroom ZOOM sessions throughout the week. 


Monday: Crazy Hat / Crazy Hair Day

Tuesday: Super Hero Day

Wednesday: Grade-Level Color Day (4th Grade is Blue)

Thursday: Disney Day

Friday: Tiger Pride Day


More details regarding each day’s spirit theme are listed in the SPIRIT WEEK posting below.


NO SCHOOL, MONDAY, NOV. 23rd - FRIDAY, NOV. 27th – THANKSGIVING BREAK:  In honor of the Thanksgiving holiday, there will be no school next week from November 23rd - November 27th.  This includes no Music or P.E. classes, no Wednesday Morning Gathering, no Zoom instructional sessions, and no assigned student classwork for the week.  The regular Distance Learning instructional schedule will resume on Monday, November 30th.




I hope you and your families will be able to safely enjoy the holiday break next week.  It is obviously unlike any Thanksgiving Break we've ever experienced before. Things are extremely difficult for so many in our community and in the nation as a whole.


But I, for one, am extremely thankful for SO many things - both personally and professionally. 


Perhaps, most specifically in this space, I appreciate the opportunity to continue educating your children during these challenging times and I am grateful for the support & cooperation I have received from the students and their families.  I couldn't be more fortunate than to be teaching the amazing children of the Dayton School community.


Please take a moment, during this time of thanks, to appreciate the good things in your life.  In the end, those are the things that give us the strength to persevere and endure.


Thank you. 

Be well.  Stay safe.

Mr. Olsen